Friday, July 22, 2011

We have a future!

Mike will be working as an orthodontist for Comfort Dental in Glenwood Springs Colorado when he graduates this December. I am super excited to get out of the midwest and away from all the humidity. Here's some pictures I took when we visited Glenwood springs.


  1. Wahoo!! I just looked it up and you'll be less than six hours away. We'll totally come visit you. I really miss you. I know you can't tell by the way I keep in touch. But we love you guys. We loved hanging out and can't wait to do it again.

  2. I'm sure it's so nice to know what the next step of your future holds...and what a beautiful place. But we ARE going to miss you guys! Gotta live it up til then.

  3. NOW THAT IS EXCITING!!!! Pretty much the best news ever if you ask me! Way to go Mike. Is that close to Denver?
