My parents drove the box...I mean motor home my Dad BUILT from Oregon to Texas, to visit Tori's family, then up to St. Louis. As always it was quite the road trip adventure from stalling engines, stolen car ramps, malfunctioning GPS, and a temperamental air conditioning system. But they made it out and were able to stay 4 days before they headed back west. While they enjoyed the mid-west humidity and heat we visited the arch only to remember that both of my parents are claustrophobic and Mom's scared of heights which means actually riding the tiny pod to the top of the arch was out of the question. We picked peaches at Eckerts farm, made multiple costco runs, and played with Mazy which was most important of all. I loved having them here and only wished they could have stayed longer, so does Mike because he already misses my Mom's cooking. My parents exchanged us vehicles so I could drive a 4-door explorer with Mazy instead of the 2-door. We got quite the upgrade with leather seats, latch system, and a back door that actually opens all the way. Thanks Mom and Dad you guys are the BEST!
Video of Mazy's new baby doll...thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
She is now 15 mo. At her Dr. checkup she measured in the 95% for height and 70% weight. Her vocabulary is growing and can let you know exactly what she wants, sometimes quite loudly. I'm amazed at how much she understands and will do what I ask, like put things in the trash or go get her shoes. Mazy has discovered the joy of climbing things...just when I thought my blood pressure couldn't get any higher. She likes to read stories, give hugs and kisses, smell flowers, and show you her belly. I'm really enjoying this time of her life, she is oh so sweet and I'm hoping the temper tantrums won't come anytime soon.
Video when Mike, Mazy, and I went to the Citygarden. She loved the water fountains out of the ground as you can see.